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Author Topic: Systemic Isolation  (Read 240537 times)


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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #350 on: June 04, 2017, 07:34:46 PM »
I find that the linked video entitled: “What is Entanglement Anyway? Chris Fields”; helps one to appreciate the relationship within HIOTTOE's timelessly evolved free-will information network to rupa (the physical portion of dhamma).

Extract: “Observation is the same thing as interaction, and both are just information exchange through an imaginary boundary

Entanglement is: The condition of interacting with the world through an imaginary interface on which classical information appears.”


Also, I find that the linked video entitled: “The Infinity – Science Documentary”; helps on to appreciate the relationships of free-will to rupa; in that a 'free-will dimple' in HIOTTOE has an infinite number of possible choices while rupa is constrained even within a multiverse.

« Last Edit: June 19, 2017, 10:21:34 PM by AbruptSLR »
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #351 on: June 05, 2017, 02:19:09 AM »
I find that the linked video entitled: “What is Entanglement Anyway? Chris Fields”; helps one to appreciate the relationship within HIOTTOE's timelessly evolved free-will information network to rupa (the physical portion of dhamma).

The linked reference is entitled: “Eignforms, interfaces and holographic encoding: Toward an evolutionary account of objects and spacetime”; Fields et. al. (2017) in Constructivist Foundations.  It is relevant to HIOTTOE, and should be useful for programming cybernetics as we approach the technological singularity.

Extract:”In his paper introducing the “it from bit” concept, J. A. Wheeler (1990) insisted that “what we call existence is an information-theoretic entity” (p. 8 ), later quoting Leibniz, “time and space are not things, but orders of things” and Einstein, “time and space are modes by which we think, and not conditions in which we live” in support of his “Fourth No: no space, no time” (all p. 10). von Foerster could well have added: spacetime is the eigenform that by remaining constant enables actions.

To this we have added: eigenform – eigenbehavior loops, and hence the interfaces through which they pass, encode information about fitness and hence persistence. Spacetime itself, therefore, is an encoding of fitness; it exists only because it is useful to organisms going about the business of staying alive. Organisms with different structures and lifestyles – as different as E. coli, an oak tree, and a person – may experience very different “spacetimes.”

It remains, however, to extract from this idea predictions of sufficient power and precision that confirming them would overcome the intuitive appeal of an “objective” spacetime filled with “objective” objects. The stubborn resistance of the classical worldview in the face of eight decades of quantum theory, experiments and technology shows that this will not be easy. Bringing these ideas into the science – and hence the technology – of perception itself may yet, however, open the door to empirical demonstrations that cannot be denied.

See also:

“Decompositional equivalence: A fundamental symmetry underlying quantum theory”

Abstract: “Decompositional equivalence is the principle that there is no preferred decomposition of the universe into subsystems. It is shown here, by using a simple thought experiment, that quantum theory follows from decompositional equivalence together with Landauer’s principle. This demonstration raises within physics a question previously left to psychology: how do human - or any - observers identify or agree about what constitutes a “system of interest”?”


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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #352 on: June 05, 2017, 04:14:11 AM »
I like the direction of the research indicated in this reference entitled: “From Coarse-Graining to Holography in Loop Quantum Gravity”, arXiv:1704.04067v1,  by Etera R. Livine (2017).

Abstract: “We discuss the relation between coarse-graining and the holographic principle in the framework of loop quantum gravity and ask the following question: when we coarse-grain arbitrary spin network states of quantum geometry, are we integrating out physical degrees of freedom or gauge degrees of freedom? Focusing on how bulk spin network states for bounded regions of space are projected onto boundary states, we show that all possible boundary states can be recovered from bulk spin networks with a single vertex in the bulk and a single internal loop attached to it. This partial reconstruction of the bulk from the boundary leads us to the idea of realizing the Hamiltonian constraints at the quantum level as a gauge equivalence reducing arbitrary spin network states to one-loop bulk states. This proposal of "dynamics through coarse-graining" would lead to a one-to-one map between equivalence classes of physical states under gauge transformations and boundary states, thus defining holographic dynamics for loop quantum gravity.”
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #353 on: June 09, 2017, 03:14:19 AM »
The three linked videos present talks by John Preskill that discuss how quantum information science could help to understand a holographic universe:

“"Quantum Computing and the Entanglement Frontier" John Preskill, CalTech”


"John Preskill: Quantum information and spacetime (I)"


“John Preskill: Quantum information and spacetime (II)”

Edit: I attached these images to illustrate how quantum information science can be used to correct for errors (system isolation) in an entangled holographic universe by correlating the bulk with the boundary information/operators.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2017, 07:18:32 PM by AbruptSLR »
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #354 on: June 16, 2017, 06:49:33 PM »
I have previously noted that Shape Dynamics is compatible with both the Holographic Universe and HIOTTOE interpretations of reality.  In this regards, I note that progress is being made to better define/explore Shape Dynamics as indicated by the linked lectures from the May 15-17 2017 Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics workshop entitled: "Shape Dynamics Workshop".  I have extracted only two of many lecture summaries at the link; in order to emphasize that when Shape Dynamics is applied to quantum gravity (and by extension to the Holographic Universe), that the influence of boundaries (whether for the universe/big bang or for a black hole event horizon) are integrated differently than are Hamiltonians under the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Theory.  This is important when thinking of how to apply HIOTTOE to the information science used by machine learning for Artificial General Intelligence as we approach the technological singularity and we transcend quantum computing.

"Timeless cosmology with records
Wednesday May 17, 2017
Speaker(s): Henrique de Andrade Gomes

On the path towards quantum gravity we find friction between temporal relations in quantum mechanics (QM) (where they are fixed and field-independent), and in general relativity (where they are field-dependent and dynamic). In this talk, I will erase that distinction. I encode gravity, along with other types of interactions, in the timeless configuration space of spatial fields, with dynamics obtained through a path integral formulation. The framework demands that boundary conditions for this path integral be uniquely given.


Quantum singularity resolution in homogeneous cosmology and the implications for shape dynamics
Wednesday May 17, 2017
Speaker(s): Sean Gryb

I will present results on the quantization of an FRLW model that utilises a Schrodinger-type evolution equation. In contrast to standard Wheeler--DeWitt-type quantisations, the quantum model resolves the classical singularity, exhibits a quantum bounce, and displays novel early-universe phenomenology. A global scale emerges because of a scale anomaly, and suggests an interesting scenario for quantum shape dynamics. I will give the details of the quantization procedure and show how these techniques can be used more generally for anisotropic models."
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #355 on: June 17, 2017, 03:43:47 AM »
For those who want to watch a general description of Shape Dynamics for the general public, I provide the link to a 2015 SETI talk on this topic:

“Shape dynamics: a relational view of the Universe - Henrique Gomes (SETI Talks)”

Extract: “Shape Dynamics is a new theory of gravity which removes the notion of local relativistic time from the guiding principles of gravity in the universe. It is a very promising approach which has been shown to be equivalent to Einstein's Theory of General Relativity, without being embedded in time. It is inspired by adherence to Mach's Principle, which is violated by Einstein's theory.”

Edit, in Shape Dynamics black holes naturally form worm holes, in a fashion comparable to ER = EPR in String Theory
« Last Edit: June 17, 2017, 01:42:58 PM by AbruptSLR »
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #356 on: June 17, 2017, 02:02:51 PM »
The linked reference provides more background on QBism, which I have previously discussed:

Khrennikov, A. (2017), "Towards Better Understanding QBism", Found Sci., doi:10.1007/s10699-017-9524-0

Abstract: "Recently I posted a paper entitled “External observer reflections on QBism”. As any external observer, I was not able to reflect all features of QBism properly. The comments I received from one of QBism’s creators, C. A. Fuchs, were very valuable to me in better understanding the views of QBists. Some of QBism’s features are very delicate and extracting them from articles of QBists is not a simple task. Therefore, I hope that the second portion of my reflections on QBism (or, strictly speaking, my reflections on Fuchs reflections on my earlier reflections) might be interesting and useful for other experts in quantum foundations and quantum information theory (especially, taking into account my previous aggressively anti-QBism position). In the present paper I correct some of my earlier posted critical comments on QBism. At the same time, other critical comments gained new validation through my recent deeper understanding of QBists views on a number of problems."
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #357 on: June 17, 2017, 06:28:27 PM »
People often become confused by words; nevertheless, the linked reference about QBism (Quantum Bayesianism) supports the HIOTTOE concept of a "free-will" (without souls) information network results in a pluriverse (for example see my previous comments about HIOTTOE's interpretation of the inside of a black hole).

Christopher A. Fuchs (9 May 2017), "Notwithstanding Bohr, the Reasons for QBism"; arXiv:1705.03483v1

Abstract: "Without Niels Bohr, QBism would be nothing. But QBism is not Bohr. This paper attempts to show that, despite a popular misconception, QBism is no minor tweak to Bohr's interpretation of quantum mechanics. It is something quite distinct. Along the way, we lay out three tenets of QBism in some detail: 1) The Born Rule - the foundation of what quantum theory means for QBism - is a normative statement. It is about the decision-making behavior any individual agent should strive for; it is not a descriptive "law of nature" in the usual sense. 2) All probabilities, including all quantum probabilities, are so subjective they never tell nature what to do. This includes probability-1 assignments. Quantum states thus have no "ontic hold" on the world. 3) Quantum measurement outcomes just are personal experiences for the agent gambling upon them. Particularly, quantum measurement outcomes are not, to paraphrase Bohr, instances of "irreversible amplification in devices whose design is communicable in common language suitably refined by the terminology of classical physics." Finally, an explicit comparison is given between QBism and Bohr with regard to three subjects: a) The issue of the "detached observer" as it arose in a debate between Pauli and Bohr, b) Bohr's reply to Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen, and c) Bohr's mature notion of "quantum phenomena." At the end, we discuss how Bohr's notion of phenomena may have something to offer the philosophy of William James: A physics from which to further develop his vision of the world - call it an ontology if you will - in which "new being comes in local spots and patches."

Extract: "This idea of a world that comes in local spots and patches James called a pluriverse - a structure (if so it should be called) that would never allow itself a rationalist's unification into a single block.

If QBism has something to do for the future, it is to contribute the precision language of quantum theory to this grand vision of the world."
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #358 on: June 18, 2017, 03:51:16 AM »
The linked video presents numerous 'talking heads' giving their takes on the philosophical messages being conveyed by The Matrix trilogy.  They present a while range of takes from Western philosphers to Gnostic thought, to Kabbalah traditions, to Taoist observations, to Hindi insights and provide only a few sentences about a Buddhist interpretation.  Certainly, the Wachowski's understood well that each viewer would use their own personal, situational and partial understands of reality to interpret the meaning of the trilogy as the Zen Buddhist insights that they were trying to convey understands this is situation.

“Return to Source: Philosophy and The Matrix”

Extract: “This documentary goes over many philosophical concepts that inspired, and are presented in, the trilogy. They spend the first half on the original film, and the rest of the time then goes over parts 2 and 3, with a couple of things on the Animatrix shorts.”

Nevertheless, I believe that the Buddha's insights offer a more direct pathway to the types of insights that society needs access to as we approach the technological singularity, as indicated by the next two linked articles:

“What Zen Taught Silicon Valley (And Steve Jobs) About Innovation”

Extract: “Was the revolutionary circular scroll wheel on the Apple iPod inspired by kinhin, the Zen practice of walking in circles while meditating? There’s no hard evidence, but a new book, The Zen of Steve Jobs, suggests a connection. The illustrated and partly fictionalized book, which focuses on the real-life relationship between the late Apple co-founder and a Zen Buddhist priest, juxtaposes the lessons Jobs learned from his Zen master with design breakthroughs in his products. In so doing, the book picks up and expands on a theme also discussed in Walter Isaacson’s recent biography of Jobs: that the great innovator was, himself, greatly influenced by Zen principles and practices.”


“The secret to “Silicon Valley” is Buddhism.”

Extract: "Many regions around the world, including my home-turf Stockholm, are trying to learn what they can do to resemble Silicon Valley in their respective part of the world. Some of it comes down to politics like eliminating friction of starting and running a company, some of it comes from creating role models to inspire the next generation of entrepreneurs, and some of it comes with scale of simply having more of all the pieces to the puzzle. But the most important thing is very intangible. It’s something any developing ecosystem around the world can start embracing today. It’s the mindset of मुदिता.

मुदित is Sanskrit for Mudita, which is an important Buddhist term and way of life which means “appreciative joy”. Living mudita essentially suggests you enjoy the pleasure from other people’s success — the opposite of schadenfreude."

Edit: I note that per the linked Wikipedia article is entitled: "Zen" originated in China as Chan Buddhism, which heavily influenced Chinese culture from the 6th century onward, & that Zen was strongly influenced by Taoism.

Extract: "Zen (Chinese: 禪; pinyin: Chán) is a school of Mahayana Buddhism that originated in China during the Tang dynasty as Chan Buddhism. Zen school was strongly influenced by Taoism and developed as a distinguished school of Chinese Buddhism.

Edit 2: I do not practice Zen, but rather Vipassana (mindfulness) meditation.

Edit 3: Lastly, I note that per the linked Wikipedia article entitled "Huineng", that Huineng (Dajian) is widely taken to be the Sixth and Last Patriarch of Chan (Zen) Buddhism, and he had a major influence on modern understand of Taoism.  Taoism is traditionally symbolized by the yin-yang symbol (see the first image as a symbol of the balance of nature, which in the movie "Revolutions" is on the earring worn by "The Oracle" see the second image of the Oracle wearing the earrings while talking to Sati; also note the natural fractal pattern in the yin-yang symbol in the first image).

Extract: "Huineng (Chinese: 惠能; pinyin: Huìnéng, 638–713) was a Buddhist monk who is one of the most important figures in Chan Buddhism according to standard hagiographies. Huineng has been traditionally viewed as the Sixth and Last Patriarch of Chan Buddhism.
His posthumous name is Dajian
« Last Edit: June 18, 2017, 12:32:53 PM by AbruptSLR »
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #359 on: June 19, 2017, 01:42:08 AM »
The linked video, and associated pdf, illustrates why the recent developments in Shape Dynamics could be of benefit to holographic entanglement theory (see Replies #353 & 354

“A New Perspective on Holographic Entanglement by Matthew Headrick”

See also:

« Last Edit: June 19, 2017, 10:00:38 PM by AbruptSLR »
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #360 on: June 19, 2017, 02:47:25 AM »
The linked video presents numerous 'talking heads' giving their takes on the philosophical messages being conveyed by The Matrix trilogy.  They present a while range of takes from Western philosphers to Gnostic thought, to Kabbalah traditions, to Taoist observations, to Hindi insights and provide only a few sentences about a Buddhist interpretation.  Certainly, the Wachowski's understood well that each viewer would use their own personal, situational and partial understands of reality to interpret the meaning of the trilogy as the Zen Buddhist insights that they were trying to convey understands this is situation.

The mainstream media loves to cite the Matrix trilogy for stimulating serious discussion as to whether we are all living in a computer simulation generated by some super computer, when that is only the metaphor that the trilogy is employing.  While in fact the trilogy is trying to convey the Zen Buddhist concept that all of reality is a timelessly evolved (soulless) self-programmed information computer much like the Holographic Universe (or HIOTTOE) as illustrated by the fact that in Revolutions Neo can manipulate time, space, matter and energy even when he is not inside the Matrix.  The linked article entitled: "What if we’re living in a computer simulation?" acknowledges (see the extract below) that there is now experimental evidence supporting a Holographic Universe; but they still prefer to feed more magical types of thinking to the public:

Extract: "Virtual reality technology is making great advances, but it has also helped popularise a theory long debated by philosophers and now gaining supporters in Silicon Valley – that the outside world is itself a simulation

The hypothesis has attracted the interest and attention of many futurologists and Silicon Valley types. The New Yorker reported last year that two unnamed tech billionaires have gone so far as to employ scientists to work out how to break us out of the simulation.

The universe is a hologram

In a nutshell: Everything we see and experience is an illusion. Our 3D reality is encoded on a two-dimensional surface that we cannot see.

Evidence? Earlier this year, scientists from the University of Southampton claimed to have found support for this theory by studying the cosmic background radiation left over from the big bang."
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #361 on: June 19, 2017, 09:55:17 PM »
While Frame Theory (linear algebra) is not my forte; it is useful for signal processing; which is closely related to information theory and consequently to the signal processing for a timelessly evolved free-will information network such as HIOTTOE including the selection of heterarchical Frames (matrices) within a Hilbert Space for interpreting observations/measurements/signals in a Holographic Universe.  In this regards, as modeling a Holographic Universe presumably would use String Theory, I provide the first three image to posit that within Frame Theory a Calibi-Yau Manifold (first image) could be treated as linear expansion (like a Fourier Series) of Yin-Yang Torus structures based on Shape Dynamics math for a black hole connecting to a white hole via a wormhole (see Reply #355).  Then using fractals one might be able to a Frame for such a Calibi-Yau Maniford to general a fractal yin-yang toy universe within a Hilbert Space as illustrated metaphorically by the fourth attached image.  Such a fractal yin-yang toy universe (see Reply #353 for discussion for a AdSn toy universe) would contain imaginary boundary/interface surfaces that Chris Fields (see Reply #350) points out could represent threads of holographic entanglement (see also Reply #359): "Entanglement is: The condition of interacting with the world through an imaginary interface on which classical information appears."

See also the related linked Wikipedia articles:

"Frame (linear algebra)"

Extract: "In linear algebra, a frame of an inner product space is a generalization of a basis of a vector space to sets that may be linearly dependent. In the terminology of signal processing, a frame provides a redundant, stable way of representing a signal. Frames are used in error detection and correction and the design and analysis of filter banks and more generally in applied mathematics, computer science, and engineering.

In signal processing, each vector is interpreted as a signal. In this interpretation, a vector expressed as a linear combination of the frame vectors is a redundant signal. Using a frame, it is possible to create a simpler, more sparse representation of a signal as compared with a family of elementary signals (that is, representing a signal strictly with a set of linearly independent vectors may not always be the most compact form). Frames, therefore, provide robustness. Because they provide a way of producing the same vector within a space, signals can be encoded in various ways. This facilitates fault tolerance and resilience to a loss of signal. Finally, redundancy can be used to mitigate noise, which is relevant to the restoration, enhancement, and reconstruction of signals.

In signal processing, it is common to assume the vector space is a Hilbert space."


"White hole"

Extract: "In general relativity, a white hole is a hypothetical region of spacetime which cannot be entered from the outside, although matter and light can escape from it. In this sense, it is the reverse of a black hole, which can only be entered from the outside and from which matter and light cannot escape."
« Last Edit: June 19, 2017, 10:07:29 PM by AbruptSLR »
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #362 on: June 20, 2017, 12:45:37 AM »
Just to add a few comments to my last post:

1. The first attached image helps to clarify that a Calibi-Yau (String) manifold contains a tangle of interconnected "wormholes" as would a Framed linear expansion (Fourier Series) of Yin-Yang Torus's  (see my last post).

2. ER=EPR conjectured entanglement thread = wormhole conjecture is illustrated by the second and third attached images show how this geometry parallel's both the Shape Dynamics geometry for a black-hole/white-hole and for a Yin-Yang Torus (see my last post).

3. As F-Theory (in String Theory) has 12-Dimensions I assume that the appropriate Hilbert Space for my hypothesized Fractal Yin-Yang Toy Universe (see my last post), could accommodate this many dimensions.
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #363 on: June 21, 2017, 06:56:15 PM »
Here I make a few brief comments as to how HIOTTOE relates to a Holographic interpretation of the universe where holographic entanglement ties the boundary to the bulk; where I focus on the differences between "free-will" and "fate":

1. First, I note in both a hologram and in entangled systems (like a boundary entangled with the bulk) each part of the system contains a low-resolution part of the whole body of information (as in the Buddhist concept of becoming one with everything).  In discussed by John Preskill in the videos linked in Reply #353, this distributed information can be used for error correction in 'quantum/holographic' computing.

2. In Reply #361, I talked about Frames (matrices) within a Hilbert Space also providing for error correction associated with the structure of the information signal contained within a free-will information network or within a holographic model of the universe.  This signal-Frame method of error correction is distinct from that holographic/distributed-information error correction cited in item 1, but they both work concurrently to help the models in our minds to understand/compute meaning.  Furthermore, the yin-yang toy model of the universe that I discussed in Reply #361 was meant to indicate that the yin-yang frames would be fractal in nature and would distribute yin-yang boundaries throughout the bulk in a manner similar to dots of black glycerin stirred into a container of clear glycerin (which is an example that David Bohm used to illustrate how information can be retrieved from a holographic system as if one reverses the stirring action one would recover the original black dots).

3. As I presented it, the arrows in a HIOTTOE 'free-will" information network represent direct knowledge while holographic entanglement threads represent measurements/observations on an imaginary boundary around a bulk.  This is significant in that HIOTTOE has a realm of information beneath the network circuits required to create an observable "universe" such as Holographic based models (based on String Theory, Quantum Gravity and either GR or Shape Dynamics) of the universe that we live in.  This can be illustrated by the first two attached Lila theory diagrams for one unit of space and for one unit of space and one unit of time, respectively; while the third image shows a pattern for energy using recusion.  Furthermore, a holographic model uses string manifolds such as a Calibi-Yau Maniford to represent fundamental observable properties of the universe, while a Lila diagram uses circuits like that shown in the last image of charge , and I note that if one where to substitute a 'wormhole' ER=EPR entanglement thread to replace the vectors in the Lila circuit one could develop string manifolds that look much like a Calibi-Yau Manifold.

4. Previously, I noted that a Hilbert Space can be thought as an approximation of a subset of the Nibbanic Plane, and then that holographic theory can be used in the Hilbert Space to calculate physical properties of the holographic universe. Also, I noted that a Holographic Universe acts like an information computer with evolutionay algorithms (see the first linked Wikipedia article); which creates an illusion of "egotistical free-will" (ala Claude Shannon's information theory, such as that discussed in the second linked Wikipedia article on Gausian adaption).

Extract: “Gaussian adaptation as an evolutionary model of the brain obeying the Hebbian theory of associative learning offers an alternative view of free will due to the ability of the process to maximize the mean fitness of signal patterns in the brain by climbing a mental landscape in analogy with phenotypic evolution."
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #364 on: June 22, 2017, 09:52:41 AM »
My recent prior posts consider reality as an information computer, or Dhamma within the Pali Cannon reference frame.  In this sense, the Hilbert Space Frames (matrices) are determined by the heterarchical structure given in the Pali Cannon's Abhidhamma (see the first image as an example of a yin-yang like heterarchical structure); while the deep neural network learning (see the second image) performed using these Hilbert Space Frames as templates, utilizes the random-walk like nature of the free-will dimples of HIOTTOE to complete our understanding of reality (see the third image).

It is important to remember that within HIOTTOE, the perception of physical properties requires at least two direct knowledge vectors in a row (see the previously posted Lila diagrams), and to observe both 3D space and time requires at least a circuit of eight dimples.  Therefore, the perception of inflation would start at multiple zones of the Nibbanic plane with circuits of eight dimples. When considering circuits with increasing numbers of dimples, these local circuits in the Nibbanic plane would periodically interconnect (causing cosmic inflation) following "random walk" behavior (associated with free will expression) resulting in larger aggregations that I propose would follow the math developed by Witten & Sander for diffusion-limited aggregation, DLA, (see the  linked Wikipedia DLA article and the following associated linked reference by Arneodo et al 1993).

Extract: " Diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) is the process whereby particles undergoing a random walk due to Brownian motion cluster together to form aggregates of such particles."

Also see:

Arneodo, A., Argoul, F., Muzy, J.F. & Tabard, M. (1993), "Beyond Classical Multifractal Analysis Using Wavelets: Uncovering a Multiplicative Process Hidden in the Geometrical Complexity of Diffusion Limited Aggregates", Complex Geometry, Patterns, and Scaling in Nature and Society, Vol 1, Issue 3,  DOI:

Abstract: "We emphasize the wavelet transform as a very promising tool for solving the inverse fractal problem.  We show that a dynamical system which leaves invariant a fractal object can be uncovered from the space-scale arrangement of its wavelet transform modulus maxima.  We illustrate our theoretical considerations on pedagogical examples including Bernoulli invariant measures of linear and nonlinear Markov maps as well as the invariant measure of period-doubling dynamical systems at the onset of chaos.  We apply this wavelet based technique to analyze the fractal properties of DLA azimuthal Cantor sets defined by intersecting the inner frozen region of large mass off-lattice DLA clusters with a circle.  This study clearly reveals the existence of an underlying multiplicative process that is likely to account for the Fibonacci structural ordering recently discovered in the apparently disordered arborescent DLA morphology.  The statistical relevance of the golden mean arithmetic to the fractal hierarchy of the DLA azimuthal Cantor sets is demonstrated."

It is my understanding that such math can be used to relate the number of linear vectors to branching points in reducible vector aggregations according to the number pi and the golden mean, see the following linked reference:

Furthermore it is my understanding as further aggregation of local circuits occurs this math indicates that the ratio of connected branch nodes to the total number of branch points is the natural number "e". I propose this is related to fact of why the formula for Shannon Entropy can be written with terms with natural logarithms (see the second image).  These two DLA correlations may be related to why the Boltzmann constant is close to the value of 10 to the "e" power to the "pi" power, or 1.38 times 1023 (i.e. the number of free will points in the Nibbanic plane).

Previously, I cited that the quantum Hilbert Space can be thought as an approximation of a subset of the Nibbanic Plane (and then that holographic theory can be used in the Hilbert Space to calculate physical properties of the holographic universe).  Also previously, I correlated the 1023 X 1023 possible configurations of the free will networks in the Nibbanic Plane to the entire String Theory Landscape  (representing many different multiverses in F-Theory, see the fourth image).  In this sense the Hilbert Space only represents the configuration of the free will network in the Nibbanic Plane that corresponds to the universe that we experience/perceive; which is associated with one free will dimple that has direct knowledge vectors connected to each of the other expressed free will dimples in the Nibbanic Plane; which is associated with a fully realized free-will dimple.  Furthermore, just as Shape Dynamics associates a parity horizon with the event horizon around a black hole; so such a fully realized free-will dimple is associated with a parity horizon around our universe that isolates it from the other possible "baby universes" in the multiverse (I note that "before" the dimple becomes fully realized it is perceived to reside in an "early" "baby universe"). 

Furthermore, I have previously noted that the HIOTTOE considers the perception of time as knowledge of a subset embedded with the whole/timeless Nibbanic Plane.  In this sense the Big Bang is associated with the subset around the fully realized dimple (that is connected to all other dimples), and that while the total energy of the universe does not change with increasing time, the entropy of the universe does change as the  entanglement of larger subsets changes (i.e. entropy is very low at the Big Bang and increases as the universe expands due to dark energy).  Using information theory this rapid change in entropy from the Big Bang (from the fully realized dimple) can be associated with inflation (see Ray Kurzweil's "The Age of Spiritual Machines" and Replies #86 to 88).  Thus in HIOTTOE, time is change; where change is the perception of differences (particularly differences in entanglement) between subsets of the free will information network.  Maxwell's Demon and quantum information theory demonstrate how such entanglement information from the free will network correlates to entropy.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2017, 07:27:10 PM by AbruptSLR »
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #365 on: June 22, 2017, 03:11:15 PM »
The linked research demonstrates that the brain processes information in multiple dimensions (beyond 3D).  This supports the concept that mindfulness meditation can help people access information beyond classical theory:

Michael W. Reimann, Max Nolte, Martina Scolamiero, Katharine Turner, Rodrigo Perin, Giuseppe Chindemi, Paweł Dłotko, Ran Levi, Kathryn Hess, Henry Markram. Cliques of Neurons Bound into Cavities Provide a Missing Link between Structure and Function. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 2017; 11 DOI: 10.3389/fncom.2017.00048

"The lack of a formal link between neural network structure and its emergent function has hampered our understanding of how the brain processes information. We have now come closer to describing such a link by taking the direction of synaptic transmission into account, constructing graphs of a network that reflect the direction of information flow, and analyzing these directed graphs using algebraic topology. Applying this approach to a local network of neurons in the neocortex revealed a remarkably intricate and previously unseen topology of synaptic connectivity. The synaptic network contains an abundance of cliques of neurons bound into cavities that guide the emergence of correlated activity. In response to stimuli, correlated activity binds synaptically connected neurons into functional cliques and cavities that evolve in a stereotypical sequence toward peak complexity. We propose that the brain processes stimuli by forming increasingly complex functional cliques and cavities."

See also:
'Multi-dimensional universe' in brain networks

Extract: "Using mathematics in a novel way in neuroscience, scientists demonstrate that the brain operates on many dimensions, not just the 3 dimensions that we are accustomed to

Using a sophisticated type of mathematics in a way that it has never been used before in neuroscience, a scientists have uncovered a universe of multi-dimensional geometrical structures and spaces within the networks of the brain. This research has significant implications for our understanding of the brain.
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #366 on: June 25, 2017, 04:14:49 AM »
The linked research/reference could lead to improvements of the quantum gravity theory and the holographic principle:

C. M. Herdman, P.-N. Roy, R. G. Melko, A. Del Maestro. Entanglement area law in superfluid 4He. Nature Physics, 2017; DOI: 10.1038/NPHYS4075

Abstract: "Area laws were first discovered by Bekenstein and Hawking, who found that the entropy of a black hole grows proportional to its surface area, and not its volume. Entropy area laws have since become a fundamental part of modern physics, from the holographic principle in quantum gravity to ground-state wavefunctions of quantum matter, where entanglement entropy is generically found to obey area law scaling. As no experiments are currently capable of directly probing the entanglement area law in naturally occurring many-body systems, evidence of its existence is based on studies of simplified qualitative theories. Using new exact microscopic numerical simulations of superfluid 4He, we demonstrate for the first time an area law scaling of entanglement entropy in a real quantum liquid in three dimensions. We validate the fundamental principle that the area law originates from correlations local to the entangling boundary, and present an entanglement equation of state showing how it depends on the density of the superfluid.""

See also "When helium behaves like a black hole":

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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #367 on: June 28, 2017, 01:07:35 AM »
The linked Wikipedia article is entitled: "Caduceus".  I provide this link & image, because of its parallel to such previously discussed symbols as the double helix, the thesis/antithesis/synthesis dialectic and strange attractors.  As discussed below it is a symbol of commerce which as the basis of our global socio-economic system and of the balanced exchange and reciprocity required for such systems to function properly to sustain life.

Extract: "The caduceus (☤; /kəˈduːsiːəs/ or /kəˈdjuːʃəs/; from Greek κηρύκειον kērúkeion "herald's wand, or staff") is the staff carried by Hermes in Greek mythology and consequently by Hermes Trismegistus in Greco-Egyptian mythology. The same staff was also borne by heralds in general, for example by Iris, the messenger of Hera. It is a short staff entwined by two serpents, sometimes surmounted by wings. In Roman iconography, it was often depicted being carried in the left hand of Mercury, the messenger of the gods, guide of the dead and protector of merchants, shepherds, gamblers, liars, and thieves.

It is said the wand would wake the sleeping and send the awake to sleep. If applied to the dying, their death was gentle; if applied to the dead, they returned to life.

By extension of its association with Mercury and Hermes, the caduceus is also a recognized symbol of commerce and negotiation, two realms in which balanced exchange and reciprocity are recognized as ideals."
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #368 on: June 28, 2017, 02:00:21 AM »
Dealing with socio-economic systemic isolation is related to better understanding the consequences of differ parenting styles.  Parenting should provide an enriched environment in order for the child to express his individualism.  In the face of climate change and coming socio-economic destabilization, what we need are parents who think of their children's future.
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #369 on: July 02, 2017, 11:22:38 AM »
Here are some different representations of the wheel of dhamma:
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #370 on: July 02, 2017, 11:25:13 AM »
Here are some images related to the wheel of dhamma
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #371 on: July 02, 2017, 11:32:33 AM »
The first image shows imaginary DNA inspired by the movie "The Fifth Element"

The last three images are related to imaginations of the wheel of dhamma.
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #372 on: July 06, 2017, 05:47:35 PM »
The linked reference makes the case for retrocausality, which could make it easier to formulate quantum gravity & the Holographic interpretation of the universe, and is consistent with HIOTTOE (as I have previously discussed) & would have implications for computers that would be more efficient than quantum computers (as I have also previously discussed):

Matthew S. Leifer & Matthew F. Pusey (2017), "Is a time symmetric interpretation of quantum theory possible without retrocausality?", Proceedings of the Royal Society A, .DOI: 10.1098/rspa.2016.0607

Abstract: "Huw Price has proposed an argument that suggests a time symmetric ontology for quantum theory must necessarily be retrocausal, i.e. it must involve influences that travel backwards in time. One of Price's assumptions is that the quantum state is a state of reality. However, one of the reasons for exploring retrocausality is that it offers the potential for evading the consequences of no-go theorems, including recent proofs of the reality of the quantum state. Here, we show that this assumption can be replaced by a different assumption, called λ-mediation, that plausibly holds independently of the status of the quantum state. We also reformulate the other assumptions behind the argument to place them in a more general framework and pin down the notion of time symmetry involved more precisely. We show that our assumptions imply a timelike analogue of Bell's local causality criterion and, in doing so, give a new interpretation of timelike violations of Bell inequalities. Namely, they show the impossibility of a (non-retrocausal) time symmetric ontology."

See also the associated article entitled: "Physicists provide support for retrocausal quantum theory, in which the future influences the past"

Extract: "Although there are many counterintuitive ideas in quantum theory, the idea that influences can travel backwards in time (from the future to the past) is generally not one of them. However, recently some physicists have been looking into this idea, called "retrocausality," because it can potentially resolve some long-standing puzzles in quantum physics. In particular, if retrocausality is allowed, then the famous Bell tests can be interpreted as evidence for retrocausality and not for action-at-a-distance—a result that Einstein and others skeptical of that "spooky" property may have appreciated.

In a new paper published in Proceedings of The Royal Society A, physicists Matthew S. Leifer at Chapman University and Matthew F. Pusey at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics have lent new theoretical support for the argument that, if certain reasonable-sounding assumptions are made, then quantum theory must be retrocausal.

In 2012, Price laid out an argument suggesting that any quantum theory that assumes that 1) the quantum state is real, and 2) the quantum world is time-symmetric (that physical processes can run forwards and backwards while being described by the same physical laws) must allow for retrocausal influences. Understandably, however, the idea of retrocausality has not caught on with physicists in general.

"There is a small group of physicists and philosophers that think this idea is worth pursuing, including Huw Price and Ken Wharton [a physics professor at San José State University]," Leifer told "There is not, to my knowledge, a generally agreed upon interpretation of quantum theory that recovers the whole theory and exploits this idea. It is more of an idea for an interpretation at the moment, so I think that other physicists are rightly skeptical, and the onus is on us to flesh out the idea."

In their paper, Leifer and Pusey also reformulate the usual idea of time symmetry in physics, which is based on reversing a physical process by replacing t with –t in the equations of motion. The physicists develop a stronger concept of time symmetry here in which reversing a process is not only possible but that the probability of occurrence is the same whether the process is going forward or backward.

The physicists' main result is that a quantum theory that assumes both this kind of time symmetry and that retrocausality is not allowed runs into a contradiction. They describe an experiment illustrating this contradiction, in which the time symmetry assumption requires that the forward and backward processes have the same probabilities, but the no-retrocausality assumption requires that they are different.

So ultimately everything boils down to the choice of whether to keep time symmetry or no-retrocausality, as Leifer and Pusey's argument shows that you can't have both. Since time symmetry appears to be a fundamental physical symmetry, they argue that it makes more sense to allow for retrocausality. Doing so would eliminate the need for action-at-a-distance in Bell tests, and it would still be possible to explain why using retrocausality to send information is forbidden.

If retrocausality is a feature of the quantum world, then it would have vast implications for physicists' understanding of the foundations of quantum theory. Perhaps the biggest significance is the implication for the Bell tests, showing that distant particles really cannot influence each other, but rather—as Einstein and others believed—that quantum theory is incomplete. If the new results are true, then retrocausality may be one of the missing pieces that makes quantum theory complete.

"I think that different interpretations [of quantum theory] have different implications for how we might go about generalizing standard quantum theory," Leifer said. "This might be needed to construct the correct theory of quantum gravity, or even to resolve some issues in high-energy physics given that the unification of the other three forces is still up in the air in the light of LHC results. So I think that future theories built on the ideas of existing interpretations are where we might see a difference, but admittedly we are quite far from figuring out how this might work at present."
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #373 on: July 12, 2017, 03:08:48 PM »
My last post cited logic [by Leifer & Pusey (2017)] for recognizing retrocausal quantum theory (say quantum gravity and/or Holographic Theory); and Leifer & Pusey (2017) work around the question of the reality of quantum state and the quantum wavefunction, which is further discussed in the linked extract below:

Extract: "The mathematical description of a quantum system typically takes the form of a "wavefunction," generally represented in equations by the Greek letter psi: Ψ. There's a lot of debate about what, exactly, this wavefunction represents, breaking down into two main camps: those who think of the wavefunction as a real physical thing (the jargon term for these is "ontic" theories, leading some witty person to dub their proponents "psi-ontologists") and those who think of the wavefunction as merely an expression of our knowledge (or lack thereof) regarding the underlying state of a particular quantum object ("epistemic" theories).

In either class of foundational model, the probability of finding an outcome is not given directly by the wavefunction, but by the square of the wavefunction (loosely speaking, anyway; the wavefunction is a complex mathematical object (meaning it involves imaginary numbers like the square root of negative one), and the operation to get probability is slightly more involved, but "square of the wavefunction" is enough to get the basic idea). This is known as the "Born Rule" after German physicist Max Born who first suggested this (in a footnote to a paper in 1926), and strikes some people as an ugly ad hoc addition. There's an active effort in some parts of the quantum foundations community to find a way to derive the Born rule from a more fundamental principle; to date, none of these have been fully successful, but it generates a lot of interesting science.”

While I have previously related such concepts from conventional physics to those of HIOTTOE (see various posts after Reply #77), I think that more correlations are warranted.  Therefore, I begin with a discussion of the Schrodinger Equation as illustrated by the first attached image and the discussion in the following linked Wikipedia article.

In the first attached image the Hamiltonian operator (on the right side of the equation) determines the energy of the particular wavefunction and is related to the rate of change of the wavefunction (on the left side of the equation).  In HIOTTOE, energy is determined by recursions within a free-will network sub-circuit as illustrated in the second attached image.  The Schrodinger Equation is a diffusion equation; while HIOTTOE uses Diffusion Limited Aggregate, DLA, with random walking to in lieu of the Hamiltonian operator to relate energy to the recursions within the free-will information sub-circuit under consideration.

Edit: See Reply #80
« Last Edit: July 12, 2017, 04:19:09 PM by AbruptSLR »
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #374 on: July 13, 2017, 09:09:35 PM »
As explained in the linked video, Bell's inequalities indicates that reality is non-local; and both Holographic Theory and HIOTTOE are non-local

Hidden variables and Bell's inequalities

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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #375 on: July 17, 2017, 03:18:39 AM »
The linked references discuss some of the progress being made to understand how a holographic universe based on on information translates into the observed reality (and associated parameters) of time, space, gravity, forces etc:

Sean M. Carroll & Aidan Chatwin-Davies (2017), “Cosmic Equilibration: A Holographic No-Hair Theorem from the Generalized Second Law”,  arXiv:1703.09241v2

Abstract: “In a wide class of cosmological models, a positive cosmological constant drives cosmological evolution toward an asymptotically de Sitter phase. Here we connect this behavior to the increase of entropy over time, based on the idea that de Sitter spacetime is a maximum-entropy state. We prove a cosmic no-hair theorem for Robertson-Walker and Bianchi I spacetimes that admit a Q-screen ("quantum" holographic screen) with certain entropic properties: If generalized entropy, in the sense of the cosmological version of the Generalized Second Law conjectured by Bousso and Engelhardt, increases up to a finite maximum value along the screen, then the spacetime is asymptotically de Sitter in the future. Moreover, the limiting value of generalized entropy coincides with the de Sitter horizon entropy. We do not use the Einstein field equations in our proof, nor do we assume the existence of a positive cosmological constant. As such, asymptotic relaxation to a de Sitter phase can, in a precise sense, be thought of as cosmological equilibration.”

See also:

Raphael Bousso & Massimo Porrati (2017),”Soft Hair as a Soft Wig”, arXiv:1706.00436v1

Abstract: “We consider large gauge transformations of gravity and electromagnetism in D=4 asymptotically flat spacetime. Already at the classical level, we identify a canonical transformation that decouples the soft variables from the hard dynamics. We find that only the soft dynamics is constrained by BMS or large U(1) charge conservation. Physically this corresponds to the fact that sufficiently long-wavelength photons or gravitons that are added to the in-state will simply pass through the interaction region; they scatter trivially in their own sector. This implies in particular that the large gauge symmetries bear no relevance to the black hole information paradox. We also present the quantum version of soft decoupling. As a consistency check, we show that the apparent mixing of soft and hard modes in the original variables arises entirely from the long range field of the hard charges, which is fixed by gauge invariance and so contains no additional information.”

Edit: For those who do not know what 'hair' is, per the linked Wikipedia article it is a metaphor for information (where information means a distinction between states) behind an event horizon:

Title: "No-hair theorem"

Extract: "The no-hair theorem postulates that all black hole solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell equations of gravitation and electromagnetism in general relativity can be completely characterized by only three externally observable classical parameters: mass, electric charge, and angular momentum. All other information (for which "hair" is a metaphor) about the matter which formed a black hole or is falling into it, "disappears" behind the black-hole event horizon and is therefore permanently inaccessible to external observers."
« Last Edit: July 17, 2017, 06:53:50 PM by AbruptSLR »
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #376 on: July 17, 2017, 05:56:54 PM »
I note that the string theory landscape have many parallels to the HIOTTOE landscape, and in the linked reference Linde notes that concepts from this landscape can provide a general framework (matrix) for understanding such physical parameters as the cosmological constant, the electron mass, etc.

Andrei Linde (2017), "A brief history of the multiverse", Reports on Progress in Physics, doi:10.1088/1361-6633/aa50e4

The theory of the inflationary multiverse changes the way we think about our place in the world. According to its most popular version, our world may consist of infinitely many exponentially large parts, exhibiting different sets of low-energy laws of physics. Since these parts are extremely large, the interior of each of them behaves as if it were a separate universe, practically unaffected by the rest of the world. This picture, combined with the theory of eternal inflation and anthropic considerations, may help to solve many difficult problems of modern physics, including the cosmological constant problem. In this article I will briefly describe this theory and provide links to the some hard to find papers written during the first few years of the development of the inflationary multiverse scenario.

Keywords: inflationary cosmology, chaotic inflation, eternal inflation, multiverse,
cosmological constant, anthropic principle, string theory landscape.

Extract: "Similarly, the anomalously small value of the cosmological constant, the extreme smallness of the electron mass, the near coincidence between the proton and neutron masses, as well as the fact that we live in a 4-dimensional space, are experimental data, and the only presently available plausible explanation of these and many other surprising experimental results has been found within the general framework of the theory of the multiverse. And, talking about coincidences, even though possible roles of inflation and string theory in this construction have been conjectured 30 years ago, the way how different parts of the puzzle started falling into proper places within the context of the string theory landscape was nothing short of miraculous."

Edit: I attach Figure 1 of Linde's multiverse with eternal chaotic inflation, and I note that when comparing Linde's multiverse with both the String Theory Landscape and more particularly with what I have previously posted about the HIOTTOE Landscape, one should bear in mind that when both time and space are taken to be emergent properties the correct interpretation of space and time in Linde's Figure 1 of the multiverse is not straight forward (particularly when considering General Relativity and/or Shape Dynamics within a Holographic Universe).
« Last Edit: July 17, 2017, 06:45:35 PM by AbruptSLR »
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #377 on: July 17, 2017, 09:00:59 PM »
As I mentioned the relationship between hair and hidden information in my last post, I provide the following linked reference that puts hidden information into context of entropy flux and Hawking radiation for black holes:

Ana Alonso-Serrano and Matt Visser (2015), "Entropy/information flux in Hawking radiation", arXiv:1512.01890v1

Extract: "Abstract: Blackbody radiation contains (on average) an entropy of 3:9+/-2:5 bits per photon. This applies not only to the proverbial case of "burning a lump of coal", but also to the Hawking radiation from both analogue black holes and general relativistic black holes. The flip side of this observation is the information budget: If the emission process is unitary, (as it certainly is for normal physical/chemical burning, and also for the Hawking emission from analogue black holes), then this entropy is exactly compensated by the "hidden information" in the correlations. We shall now extend this argument to the Hawking radiation from general relativistic black holes, (where previous discussion is both heated and inconclusive), demonstrating that the assumption of unitarity leads to a perfectly reasonable entropy/information budget without any hint of a "firewall". The assumption of unitarity instead has a different implication | the horizon (if present) cannot be an event horizon, it must be an apparent/trapping horizon, or some variant thereof. The key technical aspect of our calculation is the "average subsystem" approach, but applied to a tripartite pure system consisting of the (black hole)+(Hawking radiation)+(rest of universe)."
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #378 on: July 17, 2017, 09:11:23 PM »
Thermodynamic considering increasing entropy as decreasing ability to perform work, while at black hole increasing entropy can be associated with increasing hidden information behind the event horizon, and while by information theory Shannon entropy the expected value of the information contained in a message.  This illustrates that entropy can be expressed in different terms (with different units) depending on the situation under consideration.  Thus I note that as HIOTTOE makes significant use of diffusion-limited aggregation and in this situation it can be useful to replace Shannon entropy with Havrda-Charvat's structural alpha-entropy as discussed in the linked reference w.r.t. to gene expression analysis:

Haifeng Li, Keshu Zhang, and Tao Jiang (2004),"Minimum Entropy Clustering and Applications to Gene Expression Analysis", Computational Systems Bioinformatics, vol. 00, no. , pp. 142-151, doi:10.1109/CSB.2004.1332427

Abstract: "Clustering is a common methodology for analyzing the gene expression data. In this paper, we present a new clustering algorithm from an information-theoretic point of view. First, we propose the minimum entropy (measured on a posteriori probabilities) criterion, which is the conditional entropy of clusters given the observations. Fano's inequality indicates that it could be a good criterion for clustering.  We generalize the criterion by replacing Shannon's entropy with Havrda-Charvat's structural alpha-entropy.  Interestingly, the minimum entropy criterion based on structural alpha-entropy is equal to the probability error of the nearest neighbor method when alpha = 2. This is another evidence that the proposed criterion is good for clustering. With a nonparametric approach for estimating a posteriori probabilities, an efficient iterative algorithm is then established to minimize the entropy. The experimental results show that the clustering algorithm performs significantly better than k-means/medians, hierarchical clustering, SOM, and EM in terms of adjusted Rand index. Particularly, our algorithm performs very well even when the correct number of clusters is unknown. In addition, most clustering algorithms produce poor partitions in the presence of outliers while our method can correctly reveal the structure of data and effectively identify outliers simultaneously."
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #379 on: July 18, 2017, 02:12:37 AM »
While the linked video entitled: “Susskind DarkEnergy” is a little old it provides a nice correlation between Dark Energy (and the Cosmological Constant) and the Anthropic Principle (and indirectly to Susskind's Sting Theory Landscape & the multiverse):

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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #380 on: July 18, 2017, 03:33:56 AM »
I like this 2015 talk by Susskind focused on duality (in such areas as string theory, quantum chaos theory, theory of error correcting quantum codes, quantum field theory, complexity theory, general relativity, quantum information theory, holographic principle and EP=EPR or wormhole/entanglement) as it discusses earlier thinking of many of the topics that John Preskill addressed in the videos that I cited in several earlier posts:

Title: “Entanglement and Complexity: Gravity and Quantum Mechanics”

Extract: “Professor Leonard Susskind describes how gravity and quantum information theory have come together to create a new way of thinking about physical systems. From fluid dynamics to strange metals, from black holes to the foundations of quantum mechanics, almost all areas of physics are being touched by the new paradigm.”

P.S. it goes without saying that I like Susskind's lectures.
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #381 on: July 18, 2017, 07:07:20 PM »
While holographic cosmology is still in its infancy, work such as that cited in the two linked references that offer the prospect of being able to help calibrate holographic theory (using both quantum gravity & string theory) using observational cosmology on the scale of gigaparsecs

Niayesh Afshordi, Elizabeth Gould, and Kostas Skenderis (2017), "Constraining holographic cosmology using Planck data", Phys. Rev. D 95, 123505,

Abstract: "Holographic cosmology offers a novel framework for describing the very early Universe in which cosmological predictions are expressed in terms of the observables of a three-dimensional quantum field theory (QFT). This framework includes conventional slow-roll inflation, which is described in terms of a strongly coupled QFT, but it also allows for qualitatively new models for the very early Universe, where the dual QFT may be weakly coupled. The new models describe a universe which is nongeometric at early times. While standard slow-roll inflation leads to a (near-) power-law primordial power spectrum, perturbative super-renormalizable QFTs yield a new holographic spectral shape. Here, we compare the two predictions against cosmological observations. We use CosmoMC to determine the best fit parameters, and MultiNest for Bayesian evidence, comparing the likelihoods. We find that the dual QFT should be nonperturbative at the very low multipoles (l≲30), while for higher multipoles (l≳30) the new holographic model, based on perturbative QFT, fits the data just as well as the standard power-law spectrum assumed in ΛCDM cosmology. This finding opens the door to applications of nonperturbative QFT techniques, such as lattice simulations, to observational cosmology on gigaparsec scales and beyond."


Niayesh Afshordi, Claudio Corianò, Luigi Delle Rose, Elizabeth Gould, and Kostas Skenderis (2017), "From Planck Data to Planck Era: Observational Tests of Holographic Cosmology", Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 041301,

Abstract: "We test a class of holographic models for the very early Universe against cosmological observations and find that they are competitive to the standard cold dark matter model with a cosmological constant (ΛCDM) of cosmology. These models are based on three-dimensional perturbative superrenormalizable quantum field theory (QFT), and, while they predict a different power spectrum from the standard power law used in ΛCDM, they still provide an excellent fit to the data (within their regime of validity). By comparing the Bayesian evidence for the models, we find that ΛCDM does a better job globally, while the holographic models provide a (marginally) better fit to the data without very low multipoles (i.e., l≲30), where the QFT becomes nonperturbative. Observations can be used to exclude some QFT models, while we also find models satisfying all phenomenological constraints: The data rule out the dual theory being a Yang-Mills theory coupled to fermions only but allow for a Yang-Mills theory coupled to nonminimal scalars with quartic interactions. Lattice simulations of 3D QFTs can provide nonperturbative predictions for large-angle statistics of the cosmic microwave background and potentially explain its apparent anomalies."

See also the associate article entitled "Study offers best evidence yet that we're in a holographic universe":


The article entitled: "David Bohm on Meaning, Purpose and Exploration in Dialogue"
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #382 on: July 19, 2017, 05:24:45 AM »
The linked references demonstrate the enormous advances that holographic theory is making towards becoming a consistent well developed theory incorporating string theory and quantum gravity:

Lorenz Eberhardt , Matthias R. Gaberdiel and Wei Li  (July 2017), “A holographic dual for string theory on AdS3×S3×S3×S1”, arXiv:1707.02705v1

Abstract: “The CFT dual of string theory on AdS3×S3×S3×S1 is conjectured to be the symmetric orbifold of the Sκ theory, provided that one of the two Q±5 quantum numbers is a multiple of the other. We determine the BPS spectrum of the symmetric orbifold in detail, and show that it reproduces precisely the BPS spectrum that was recently calculated in supergravity. We also determine the BPS spectrum of the world-sheet theory that is formulated in terms of WZW models, and show that, apart from some gaps (which are reminiscent of those that appear in the corresponding T4 calculation), it also reproduces this BPS spectrum. In fact, the matching seems to work as well as for the familiar T4 case, and thus our results give strong support for this proposal.”


Richard A. Davison, Wenbo Fu, Antoine Georges, Yingfei Gu, Kristan Jensen, and Subir Sachdev (18 April 2017), “Thermoelectric transport in disordered metals without quasiparticles: The Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev models and holography”, Phys. Rev. B 95, 155131,

Abstract: “We compute the thermodynamic properties of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) models of fermions with a conserved fermion number Q. We extend a previously proposed Schwarzian effective action to include a phase field, and this describes the low-temperature energy and Q fluctuations. We obtain higher-dimensional generalizations of the SYK models which display disordered metallic states without quasiparticle excitations, and we deduce their thermoelectric transport coefficients. We also examine the corresponding properties of Einstein-Maxwell-axion theories on black brane geometries which interpolate from either AdS4 or AdS5 to an AdS2×R2 or AdS2×R3 near-horizon geometry. These provide holographic descriptions of nonquasiparticle metallic states without momentum conservation. We find a precise match between low-temperature transport and thermodynamics of the SYK and holographic models. In both models, the Seebeck transport coefficient is exactly equal to the Q derivative of the entropy. For the SYK models, quantum chaos, as characterized by the butterfly velocity and the Lyapunov rate, universally determines the thermal diffusivity, but not the charge diffusivity. ”


 Richard Davison  Wenbo Fu  Yingfei Gu  Kristan Jensen Subir Sachdev (2017), “The holographic dual of thermoelectric transport in SYK models”

Abstract: “Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) models are models of fermions with infinite-ranged, random interactions. These models exhibit compressible, metallic states with no quasiparticle excitations. I will show that relations between the thermoelectric conductivities of these states are quantitatively the same as those found by studying charged black holes with AdS2 geometries near their event horizon. This is evidence that, at low energies, SYK models have a dual, holographic description as a theory of gravity.”


Yu Nakayama (14 March 2017), “Topologically twisted renormalization group flow and its holographic dual”, Phys. Rev. D 95, 066010,

Abstract: “Euclidean field theories admit more general deformations than usually discussed in quantum field theories because of mixing between rotational symmetry and internal symmetry (also known as topological twist). Such deformations may be relevant, and if the subsequent renormalization group flow leads to a nontrivial fixed point, it generically gives rise to a scale invariant Euclidean field theory without conformal invariance. Motivated by an ansatz studied in cosmological models some time ago, we develop a holographic dual description of such renormalization group flows in the context of AdS/CFT. We argue that the nontrivial fixed points require fine-tuning of the bulk theory, in general, but remarkably we find that the O(3) Yang-Mills theory coupled with the four-dimensional Einstein gravity in the minimal manner supports such a background with the Euclidean anti–de Sitter metric.”
« Last Edit: July 19, 2017, 05:48:07 AM by AbruptSLR »
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #383 on: July 19, 2017, 09:31:51 PM »
For those who think that the concept of a holographic universe is just a passing fad, I provide two more linked references that illustrate how quickly progress is being made to turn the holographic principle into a holographic theory of everything:

Vasilis Niarchos (2017), "Holographic entanglement entropy in open-closed string duality", arXiv:1701.03113v1

Abstract: "We study minimal co-dimension-2 surfaces in the asymptotically flat background of extremal 3-brane solutions in ten-dimensional type IIB supergravity. A conjectured open-closed string duality combined with the Ryu-Takayanagi prescription implies that the area of the surfaces we consider could be interpreted as the entanglement entropy of a dual (3+1)-dimensional large-N, strongly-coupled open string field theory on D3-branes. As the size of the surface is varied we observe a transition from a volume law to an area law in agreement with expectations from non-locality in an open string field theory. Some of the specifics of this transition bear a qualitative resemblance with the behaviour of holographic entanglement entropy in non-commutative super-Yang-Mills theory."


Márk Mezei, Silviu S. Pufu & Yifan Wang (March 2017), "A 2d/1d Holographic Duality", arXiv:1703.08749v1

Abstract: "We propose AdS 2  AdS2 /CFT 1  1 dualities between exactly solvable topological quantum mechanics theories with vector or matrix large N N limits (on the boundary) and weakly coupled gauge theories on a fixed AdS 2  AdS2 background (in the bulk). The boundary theories can be embedded as 1d sectors of 3d N=4 N=4 superconformal field theories with holographic duals, from which they can be obtained using supersymmetric localization. We study a few examples of such 1d theories: theories with vector large N N limits that are embedded into 3d theories of many free massless hypermultiplets with AdS 4  AdS4 higher spin duals; and a 1d theory with a matrix large N N limit embedded into the 3d ABJM theory at Chern-Simons level k=1 k=1 , which has an AdS 4  AdS4 supergravity dual. We propose that the U(N) U(N) singlet sectors of the 1d vector models are dual to 2d gauge theories on AdS 2  AdS2 whose gauge algebras are finite dimensional and whose full non-linear actions we completely determine in some cases. The 1d theory embedded into ABJM theory has a Z 2  Z2 -invariant sector dual to a 2d gauge theory on AdS 2  AdS2 whose gauge algebra is the infinite dimensional algebra of area preserving diffeomorphisms of a two-sphere. We provide evidence that the 2d gauge theories on AdS 2  AdS2 can be obtained from localizing the AdS 4  AdS4 duals of the 3d SCFTs mentioned above, and thus argue that our 2d/1d dualities can be obtained via supersymmetric localization on both sides of their parent AdS 4  AdS4 /CFT 3  3 dualities. We discuss the boundary terms required by holographic renormalization in the 2d gauge theories on AdS 2  AdS2 and show how they arise from supersymmetric localization."
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #384 on: July 20, 2017, 12:09:20 AM »
The linked article discusses quantum mechanics prediction that the 'probability current' a quantum particle can move in the opposite direction to its momentum.  It will be interest to learn how holographic mechanics eventual interprets this behavior:

Henning Bostelmann et al. Quantum backflow and scattering, Physical Review A (2017). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.96.012112

Abstract: "Backflow is the phenomenon that the probability current of a quantum particle on the line can flow in the direction opposite to its momentum. In this paper, previous investigations of backflow, pertaining to interaction-free dynamics or purely kinematical aspects, are extended to scattering situations in short-range potentials. It is shown that backflow is a universal quantum effect which exists in any such potential, and is always of bounded spatial extent in a specific sense. The effects of reflection and transmission processes on backflow are investigated, both analytically for general potentials and numerically in various concrete examples."

Also see the associate article entitled: "New breakthrough discovery—every quantum particle travels backwards".

Extract: "Mathematicians at the Universities of York, Munich and Cardiff have identified a unique property of quantum mechanical particles – they can move in the opposite way to the direction in which they are being pushed.

In everyday life, objects travel in the same direction as their momentum – a car in forward motion is going forwards, and certainly not backwards.

However, this is no longer true on microscopic scales - quantum particles can partially go into reverse and travel in the direction opposite to their momentum. This unique property is known as 'backflow'.

Dr Daniela Cadamuro, Researcher at the Technical University of Munich, said: "The backflow effect in quantum mechanics has been known for quite a while, but it has always been discussed in regards to 'free' quantum particles, i.e., no external forces are acting on the particle.

"As 'free' quantum particles are an idealised, perhaps unrealistic situation, we have shown that backflow still occurs when external forces are present. This means that external forces don't destroy the backflow effect, which is an exciting new discovery."

"These new findings allow us to find out the optimal configuration of a quantum particle that exhibits the maximal amount of backflow, which is important for future experimental verification.""
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #385 on: July 21, 2017, 05:12:49 AM »
I like the direction of this reference as this direction could lead (eventually) to a holographic dual gravitational/string theory, via F-theory.

Christopher Couzens, Craig Lawrie, Dario Martelli, Sakura Schafer-Nameki, Jin-Mann Wong (2017), “F-theory and AdS_3/CFT_2”, arXiv:1705.04679v2

Abstract: “We construct supersymmetric AdS_3 solutions in F-theory, that is Type IIB supergravity with varying axio-dilaton, which are holographically dual to 2d N=(0,4) superconformal field theories with small superconformal algebra. In F-theory these arise from D3-branes wrapped on curves in the base of an elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau threefold Y_3 and correspond to strings in the 6d N=(1,0) theory obtained from F-theory on Y_3. The non-trivial fibration over the wrapped curves implies a varying coupling of the N=4 Super-Yang-Mills theory on the D3-branes. We compute the holographic central charges and show that these agree with the field theory and with the anomalies of self-dual strings in 6d. We complement our analysis with a discussion of the dual M-theory solutions and a comparison of the central charges.”

See also the associated presentation PowerPoint pdf:

Sakura Schafer-Nameki (2017), “F-theory and AdS3 /CFT2”

Edit: I note that I mention F-Theory in many of my posts in this thread, but in particular you might want to review Replies #83 & #84, as F-Theory is used to create the String Theory Landscape which I refer to extensively and to monstrous moonshine (& the prospect of using black holes as computers).
« Last Edit: July 21, 2017, 10:57:53 AM by AbruptSLR »
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #386 on: July 25, 2017, 01:47:45 PM »
Maybe poetry should be used to convey 'The Answer' (to Systemic Isolation):

With regards to climate change this entails feeling connected to future generations.
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #387 on: July 29, 2017, 11:51:13 PM »
I imagine that some readers think that many/most of the topics discussed in this thread are too esoteric to have practical implications in the near-term for the 'real world'.  However, I do not feel that way for reasons including that I believe that numerous 'virtuous' positive feedbacks in information theory/science (and the associated 4th Industrial Revolution) will allow science to transcend the current quantum based Standard Model to make practical the implementation of lessons learned from such models as the Holographic Principle/F-Theory/Quantum Gravity.  Examples of such 'virtuous' positive information theory/science feedbacks include:

(1) Quantum computers enable better AI which enable better quantum computers, etc;
(2) The first linked reference illustrates how the use of quantum simulators can facilitate the simulation of complex classical systems with long-range interactions; which can then be used to improve the stability of the simulation of such long-range interactions, etc.; and
(3) The second linked reference illustrates how the use of 4-D hyperentanglement of qubits can facilitate the long-range transmission of quantum information (i.e. quantum communication) via a quantum Internet; which would allow for the linking of global quantum computers, which would exponentially empower quantum computing, which might lead to demonstration hyperentanglement using 12-dimensional F-theory and holographic duality.

And I note that the demonstration of computations using hyperentangled 12-D qubits could be used to validate many HIOTTOE projections regarding a timelessly evolved free-will information network.

Cina Aghamohammadi, John R. Mahoney & James P. Crutchfield (2017), "Extreme Quantum Advantage when Simulating Classical Systems with Long-Range Interaction", Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 6735, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-04928-7

Abstract: "Classical stochastic processes can be generated by quantum simulators instead of the more standard classical ones, such as hidden Markov models. One reason for using quantum simulators has recently come to the fore: they generally require less memory than their classical counterparts. Here, we examine this quantum advantage for strongly coupled spin systems—in particular, the Dyson one-dimensional Ising spin chain with variable interaction length. We find that the advantage scales with both interaction range and temperature, growing without bound as interaction range increases. In particular, simulating Dyson’s original spin chain with the most memory-efficient classical algorithm known requires infinite memory, while a quantum simulator requires only finite memory. Thus, quantum systems can very efficiently simulate strongly coupled one-dimensional classical spin systems."


Fabian Steinlechner , Sebastian Ecker , Matthias Fink, Bo Liu, Jessica Bavaresco, Marcus Huber, Thomas Scheidl, […] & Rupert Ursin (2017), "Distribution of high-dimensional entanglement via an intra-city free-space link", Nature Communications 8, Article number: 15971, doi:10.1038/ncomms15971

Abstract: "Quantum entanglement is a fundamental resource in quantum information processing and its distribution between distant parties is a key challenge in quantum communications. Increasing the dimensionality of entanglement has been shown to improve robustness and channel capacities in secure quantum communications. Here we report on the distribution of genuine high-dimensional entanglement via a 1.2-km-long free-space link across Vienna. We exploit hyperentanglement, that is, simultaneous entanglement in polarization and energy-time bases, to encode quantum information, and observe high-visibility interference for successive correlation measurements in each degree of freedom. These visibilities impose lower bounds on entanglement in each subspace individually and certify four-dimensional entanglement for the hyperentangled system. The high-fidelity transmission of high-dimensional entanglement under real-world atmospheric link conditions represents an important step towards long-distance quantum communications with more complex quantum systems and the implementation of advanced quantum experiments with satellite links."

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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #388 on: August 04, 2017, 06:51:56 PM »
While the linked reference focuses on d-dimensional quantum states within a large Hilbert space; similar logic could be used to help distinguish between Quantum Theory predictions and holographic dual F-Theory (in 12-dimensions) formulations/predictions:

Tong Liu, Qi-Ping Su, Jin-Hu Yang, Yu Zhang, Shao-Jie Xiong, Jin-Ming Liu & […] (2017), "Transferring arbitrary d-dimensional quantum states of a superconducting transmon qudit in circuit QED", Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 7039, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-07225-5

Abstract: "A qudit (d-level quantum system) has a large Hilbert space and thus can be used to achieve many quantum information and communication tasks. Here, we propose a method to transfer arbitrary d-dimensional quantum states (known or unknown) between two superconducting transmon qudits coupled to a single cavity. The state transfer can be performed by employing resonant interactions only. In addition, quantum states can be deterministically transferred without measurement. Numerical simulations show that high-fidelity transfer of quantum states between two superconducting transmon qudits (d ≤ 5) is feasible with current circuit QED technology. This proposal is quite general and can be applied to accomplish the same task with natural or artificial atoms of a ladder-type level structure coupled to a cavity or resonator."

Extract: "Many quantum information and communication tasks are usually based on qubits (two-level quantum systems), but the use of qudits (d-level quantum systems) can optimize some quantum computations …"
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #389 on: August 04, 2017, 07:00:02 PM »
While the linked reference focuses on quantum information theory, similar logic could be used to help formulate/verify holographic dual/String Theory based versions of quantum gravity:

L. Xiao et. al. (2017), "Observation of topological edge states in parity–time-symmetric quantum walks",  Nature Physics, doi:10.1038/nphys4204

Abstract: "The study of non-Hermitian systems with parity–time (PT) symmetry is a rapidly developing frontier. Realized in recent experiments, PT-symmetric classical optical systems with balanced gain and loss hold great promise for future applications. Here we report the experimental realization of passive PT-symmetric quantum dynamics for single photons by temporally alternating photon losses in the quantum walk interferometers. The ability to impose PT symmetry allows us to realize and investigate Floquet topological phases driven by PT-symmetric quantum walks. We observe topological edge states between regions with different bulk topological properties and confirm the robustness of these edge states with respect to PT-symmetry-preserving perturbations and PT-symmetry-breaking static disorder. Our results contribute towards the realization of quantum mechanical PT-synthetic devices and suggest exciting possibilities for the exploration of the topological properties of non-Hermitian systems using discrete-time quantum walks."
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #390 on: August 04, 2017, 10:48:17 PM »
While I have not read the book entitled: "Why Buddhism is True: The Science and Philosophy of Meditation and Enlightenment", mentioned in the linked article, and while all insights from mindfulness meditation are situational; nevertheless, the linked article makes many points that are relevant to this thread:

Title: "Mindful Rage"

Extract: "How Buddhism can make the resistance more effective."

Edit, see also:
"Why Buddhism is True: The Science and Philosophy of Meditation and Enlightenment" by Robert Wright.

Promotional summary: "From one of America’s greatest minds, a journey through psychology, philosophy, and lots of meditation to show how Buddhism holds the key to moral clarity and enduring happiness.

Robert Wright famously explained in The Moral Animal how evolution shaped the human brain. The mind is designed to often delude us, he argued, about ourselves and about the world. And it is designed to make happiness hard to sustain.

But if we know our minds are rigged for anxiety, depression, anger, and greed, what do we do? Wright locates the answer in Buddhism, which figured out thousands of years ago what scientists are only discovering now. Buddhism holds that human suffering is a result of not seeing the world clearly—and proposes that seeing the world more clearly, through meditation, will make us better, happier people.

In Why Buddhism is True, Wright leads readers on a journey through psychology, philosophy, and a great many silent retreats to show how and why meditation can serve as the foundation for a spiritual life in a secular age. At once excitingly ambitious and wittily accessible, this is the first book to combine evolutionary psychology with cutting-edge neuroscience to defend the radical claims at the heart of Buddhist philosophy. With bracing honesty and fierce wisdom, it will persuade you not just that Buddhism is true—which is to say, a way out of our delusion—but that it can ultimately save us from ourselves, as individuals and as a species."

« Last Edit: August 04, 2017, 10:53:47 PM by AbruptSLR »
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #391 on: August 05, 2017, 06:48:11 PM »
The linked reference on partially unstable attractors within networks of forced integrate-and-fire oscillators is both rudimentary and general (but focused on biological systems) in nature.  However, for those who are willing to read the paper in the context of the concepts raise in this thread, the methodology could be combined with quantum information science and quantum computers to better understand a timelessly evolved free-will information network that may underpin a holographic interpretation of the theory of everything (HIOTTOE):

Hai-Lin Zou, Zi-Chen Deng, Wei-Peng Hu, Kazuyuki Aihara & Ying-Cheng Lai (July 2017), “Partially unstable attractors in networks of forced integrate-and-fire oscillators”, Nonlinear Dynamics, Volume 89, Issue 2, pp 887–900,


Abstract: “The asymptotic attractors of a nonlinear dynamical system play a key role in the long-term physically observable behaviors of the system. The study of attractors and the search for distinct types of attractor have been a central task in nonlinear dynamics. In smooth dynamical systems, an attractor is often enclosed completely in its basin of attraction with a finite distance from the basin boundary. Recent works have uncovered that, in neuronal networks, unstable attractors with a remote basin can arise, where almost every point on the attractor is locally transversely repelling. Herewith we report our discovery of a class of attractors: partially unstable attractors, in pulse-coupled integrate-and-fire networks subject to a periodic forcing. The defining feature of such an attractor is that it can simultaneously possess locally stable and unstable sets, both of positive measure. Exploiting the structure of the key dynamical events in the network, we develop a symbolic analysis that can fully explain the emergence of the partially unstable attractors. To our knowledge, such exotic attractors have not been reported previously, and we expect them to arise commonly in biological networks whose dynamics are governed by pulse (or spike) generation.”
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #392 on: August 06, 2017, 01:55:57 AM »
I like this video by Susskind (so you can decide whether to invest your time or not) about eternal inflation:

Title: “Fractal Flows and the Arrow of Time | Leonard Susskind”

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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #393 on: August 06, 2017, 08:14:58 PM »
As making progress in the fight against systemic isolation requires motivation, and most of my posts seem to me to fail to metaphorically convey a proper artistic sense of the visceral nature of the suffering caused by systemic isolation, I provide first a link to Robert Browning's “Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came”, which Browning said came to him all at once in a dream:

Next, I note that this poem by Browning inspired Stephen King (the master of horror stories) to begin his Dark Tower series of books.  King once explained:

“Browning never says what that tower is, but it’s based on an even older tradition about Childe Roland that’s lost in antiquity. Nobody knows who wrote it, and nobody knows what the Dark Tower is. So I started off wondering: What is this tower? What does it mean? And I decided that everybody keeps a Dark Tower in their heart that they want to find.”

In the end chapter of this series Stephen King writes, "You (the reader) are the grim, goal-oriented ones who will not believe that the joy is in the journey rather than the destination no matter how many times it has been proved to you."
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #394 on: August 07, 2017, 11:20:09 PM »
The linked article indicates that while Stephen King does not align himself with any organized religion, he does believe that the 'universe/multiverse' is too perfect to occur random occurrence.  Furthermore, he has previously noted that he wrote his 'The Dark Tower' series of books without a clear plan and it more or less organized itself as a 'first draft' without editing.

Title: "Stephen King Has A ‘Tendency To Believe In Intelligent Design’"

Extract: "For Stephen King, life is too perfect for it to be a random occurrence.

King doesn’t align himself with any organized religion, which he says ultimately leads to someone “putting a gun in your hand” or trying to wrong others of a different religion than your own.

I love the idea that there could be a power greater than myself that’s sort of writing the script."

Furthermore, while King is certainly no Buddhist, the following joke (from Stephen King's Facebook page on February 15, 2017) at least indicates that he has an appreciation of related issues:

"Buddhist walks up to a hotdog stand and says, "Make me one with everything."
Hogdog guy fives him a loaded dog, Buddhist gives him $10, gets nothing back. Hotdog vendor explains, "Change comes from within.""

Therefore, in the spirit of having some fun with artistic metaphors I provide the following:

1. The first image illustrates the in The Dark Tower, King has twelve beams emanating from The Dark Tower in order to hold back chaos.

2. The second image shows a Wheel of Dhamma with twelve spokes representing order in the universe/multiverse.

3. The third image shows fan art of a 'map' of the Dark Tower in its multidimensional world.

4. The fourth image shows an early more visceral version of a Wheel of Dhamma with representing a 'map'.

Finally, I note that F-Theory has twelve dimensions, and HIOTTOE represents a timeless evolved self-organizing multiverse.  If you find this post (& my next post) mindless and/or counterproductive, then excuse my wasting your time/attention.
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #395 on: August 07, 2017, 11:33:38 PM »
As a follow-on to my last two fun posts w.r.t. artistic metaphors, I note that:

1. The first image shows Calibi-Yau Manifold from String Theory (which can be related to F-Theory), that could be taken to having some graphical similarities to both a Wheel of Dhamma and to The Dark Tower map (see my previous post).

2. The second image shows another fan drawn map of The Dark Tower map with different people living in different dimensions of the multiverse.

3. The third image provides a quote by Morpheus from 'The Matrix', indicating that we are all prisoners of our minds.

4. The fourth image provides a quote by Neo from 'The Matrix', indicating that a world without rules and control can be reached by the appropriate exercise of 'free will'.

Be Happy  :)
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #396 on: August 14, 2017, 10:48:49 AM »
Earlier in this thread I have compared HIOTTOE's timelessly evolved free-will information network with Susskind's String Theory Landscape, therefore, for reference I provide a link to the Wikipedia article entitled: "String theory landscape".  I emphasize that the term "landscape" was taken "... from the notion of a fitness landscape in evolutionary biology".

Extract: "The string theory landscape refers to the collection of possible false vacua in string theory, together comprising a collective "landscape" of choices of parameters governing compactifications.

The term "landscape" comes from the notion of a fitness landscape in evolutionary biology. It was first applied to cosmology by Lee Smolin in his book. It was first used in the context of string theory by Susskind

Compactified Calabi–Yau manifolds

In string theory the number of false vacua is thought to be somewhere between 1010 to 10500. The large number of possibilities arises from choices of Calabi–Yau manifolds and choices generalized magnetic fluxes over various homology cycles.

If there is no structure in the space of vacua, the problem of finding one with a sufficiently small cosmological constant is NP complete.

This is a version of the subset sum problem

Fine-tuning by anthropics

Fine-tuning of constants like the cosmological constant or the Higgs boson mass are usually assumed to occur for precise physical reasons as opposed to taking their particular values at random. That is, these values should be uniquely consistent with underlying physical laws.

The number of theoretically allowed configurations has prompted suggestions that this is not the case, and that many different vacua are physically realized. The anthropic principle proposes that fundamental constants may have the values they have because such values are necessary for life (and hence intelligent observers to measure the constants). The anthropic landscape thus refers to the collection of those portions of the landscape that are suitable for supporting intelligent life."

In order to implement this idea in a concrete physical theory, it is necessary to postulate a multiverse in which fundamental physical parameters can take different values. This has been realized in the context of eternal inflation."
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― Leon C. Megginson


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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #397 on: August 14, 2017, 09:45:30 PM »
Previously I have referred to a 'timelessly evolved free-will information network' as part of HIOTTOE.  In HIOTTOE this network is assumed (for anthropic reasons) to have about 1.38 times 1023 free-will dimples in the Nibbanic plane); and it is assumed that 1.38x1023 X 1.38x1023 (or approximately 2x10529) possible configurations of the free-will network in the Nibbanic Plane can be correlated (within rupa) to the String Theory Landscape  (representing many different holographic multiverses in F-Theory, see at least Reply #364).  Within the String Theory Landscape anthropically understandable universes only exist in the bottom of the valleys (or local vacuum levels).  Within the HIOTTOE network there is no fundamental consciousness (as is the case in the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Theory); and there is no magic, no soul and no God (as in no intelligent designer).

While I have previously made the three following points about this HIOTTOE information network cited below, nevertheless, I think a short summary can be useful:

1.  All free-will dimples have holographic access to all information within the information network; however, the clarity of understanding of this accessible information is related to the depth of the dimple; which in turn is related to the number of 'arrows" emanating from that dimple to acknowledge the free-will choices/states of other dimples.

2.  While the assumption of an entropic definition of time; generally leads one to assume that biological evolution leads to reduced entropy for an isolated biological system (such as humans).  However, while one might assume that biological evolution has resulted in human minds having the inherent ability to closely model object reality; in actuality biological evolution has created a human mind that is best suited for helping that human's progenitors DNA to propagate.  In the same sense the mind creates the illusion of an ego which itself has the illusion that its 'free-will' is working towards ever refined clarity of understanding of the nature of reality; while in fact such an ego is propagating its own preconceptions by an endless chain of 'becomings'.

3.  Progress towards less systemic isolation (i.e. less systemic suffering via aligning closer with reality) can be made by the appropriate application of Faith (i.e. direct logic), Wisdom (i.e. indirect logic) and Energy (i.e. the reduction of systemic entropy).  However, due to the free-will nature of the information network, the application of these three tools must be performed with proper effort (atapi) and proper understanding-equanimity (sampajano) and proper awareness (satima) each new moment.
“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.”
― Leon C. Megginson


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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #398 on: August 17, 2017, 07:14:43 PM »
In my opinion the linked reference has a lot of relevance to Shape Dynamics, the Holographic Principle, and Quantum Gravity and thus to HIOTTO.  It will be very interesting to see what happens when the recommended experiment (see Figure 4, i.e. the third attached image) is performed:

M.P. Benowitz (2017), "Universal Theory of General Invariance"

For the abstract see the first attached image

Extract: "Through the introduction of the Principle of General Invariance, three additional quantum mechanical postulates have been put forth. Postulates I & II propose entanglement and holography arise from an underlying noncommutative structure between spatial positions and directions. Postulate III proposes an observationally motivated field equation governing these noncommutative degrees of freedom. The solution to this equation yields a coupled system of equations of state, describing the thermodynamics of the vacuum. To great surprise, these equations predict the existence of the vacua Mon and Mooff. These so-called atoms of spacetime reproduce the observations of the ^CDM model of cosmology { bringing dark energy, dark matter, inflation, and gravitation into a single unified framework. Finally, (and most importantly) we've designed a relatively simple and inexpensive table-top experiment to falsify such extraordinary claims."

Edit: When thinking about this reference, it is helpful to remember Chris Field's discussion on what is entanglement in Reply #350 and as illustrated in the 4th attached image.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2017, 08:16:15 PM by AbruptSLR »
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Re: Systemic Isolation
« Reply #399 on: September 16, 2017, 06:22:37 PM »
Proof rests on a surprising link between infinity size and the complexity of mathematical theories

In a breakthrough that disproves decades of conventional wisdom, two mathematicians have shown that two different variants of infinity are actually the same size. The advance touches on one of the most famous and intractable problems in mathematics: whether there exist infinities between the infinite size of the natural numbers and the larger infinite size of the real numbers.
I am an energy reservoir seemingly intent on lowering entropy for self preservation.